Proactive Nutrition Consulting

I help on-the-go millennials proactively fuel without restriction to win in fitness and preventive health!


Drop the restrictive crash diets, fads, and detoxes. I work directly one on one with you to problem solve, and create a plan that works with you, your busy lifestyle, and health goals.

Whether you lack direction in the weight room or feel like you are constantly falling "off track" with your eating habits, you are not alone and I am here to help! Together we will transform your mindset around how you fuel and train by incorporating a science-based program unique to your needs so you can prevent disease, break plateaus, and experience life confidently in your skin.

We specialize in


Fat Loss

Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting. Learn and apply health-centered habits that stick. Maintain a healthy weight and body composition suited for you and incorporate foods you love for life.

Metabolic Disease Prevention and Management

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Together, we will utilize sound eating habits to proactively reverse these risks and improve blood work markers.

Performance Nutrition

Fueling well is essential for optimal sports performance. Whether you are a runner, recreational weight lifter, or play in a team sport, we’ve got you covered! A sports dietitian will educate you on supplement selection, meal timing, and help you determine your energy needs to reach your fitness goals.

Have health insurance? We are an in-network provider with:

Personalized Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition headlines bombard us on a daily basis. Gain reliable, evidence based nutrition therapy from a Registered Dietitian. No matter what your current diet pattern is, counseling offers a judgment free zone to thoroughly assess your unique health needs. No one diet fits all. Looking at the whole picture and you as a whole being, counseling allows you to set realistic goals for behavior change and balance in all areas of wellness.


Media and Branding Partnerships

Do you have a health and wellness-related product or service in need of a media-savvy spokesperson? Kierston is a knowledgeable media personality who can offer her talents and vast network of media connections to increase visibility and desirability of your product. Her credibility, enthusiasm, and creativity will get your brand noticed in print and social media.


Speaking Events and Seminars

With nutrition, knowledge is power. Kierston works to reconnect you with the basics, while empowering you to become well versed in nutrition information and healthy choices. Kierston has experience teaching a wide range of ages, from children to older adults, in both fitness and corporate settings. She works with you to make each workshop tailored to the unique needs and interests of your target audience.

Apply for personalized nutrition coaching today!

Have a question about our services? Want to inquire about a collaboration? Please fill out the contact form and you can expect us to get back to you within 2 business days.